Crispico Resonate. We generate innovation through research.

Interactive and Flexible Gantt Diagram Library for Apache Flex

Develop rapidly enterprise applications, using diagrams, smart code generation and bi-directional MDA (Model Driven Architecture)
Flower Platform Community is a desktop application, distributed as an add-on for either Eclipse IDE or IntelliJ Idea IDE.
Users can create and edit diagrams that drive unidirectional code generation, for the Java back-end.
The generation mechanism uses the concept of “metamodels”. They can be modified by users and hot reloaded, without needing to restart the application.
Flower Platform Professional is a web application that can runs in a JEE container (e.g. Apache Tomcat).
Multiple users can collaborate on diagrams.
Bidirectional code synchronization is supported. Code is generated from diagrams; and diagrams are updated after parsing manual modifications. HTML5 user interface is generated as well.
Flower Platform Enterprise is distributed as a virtual machine image. It can run e.g. within a VM container, such as VMware or similar.
Besides the diagramming/code synchronization module, there is an advanced deploy & build system, 2 application servers (test + prod), 2 data base servers (test + prod).
Flower Platform Enterprise allows users to use the complete flow (design, code generation, deploy, running tests, running in prod) directly from the web browser, without the need to install additional tools.
The generated application contains horizontal features, needed for production apps: user management, administrative interface for monitoring parameters, audit module (for logging operations), etc.
Setup and development instructions are similar to Flower Platform Community.

Developer Friendly UML Editor. For Java and ActionScript/Flex

Intelligent Transport System. Visualize, Manage, Optimize
Innovative Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Connected Vehicle system for operational management and mobility supervisory of critical infrastructures.
Main customers are currently airport companies (airports, airlines, handling agents) for improvement of airport airside safety, security and productivity.
XOPS is also suitable for smart city projects and industrial sites such as power plants or factories with high requirement in control of vehicle mobility and related operations.

Software-defined Video System for Large Scale Video Processing
Distributed software-defined video (SDV) system for large scale triple video processing (transcoding, analysis and just-in-time editing) requirements of OTT (over-the-top of Internet) video-on-demand service providers, video CDN (content delivery networks) and video surveillance operators.